Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Truth of Humanity

There aren't a whole lot of movies now a days that I would watch again. I ran into a masterpiece Thursday night when I saw Juno. Some of you maybe be asking, "Is that the one about teenage pregnancy?" Well, yes...but it's so much more that the simple aspect of teen pregnancy shouldn't leave the truth the movie portrays in the dark. It's a movie with an element of raw truth dealing with humanity. To a world that lacks commitment it sends a strong message of what could be and what should be/shouldn't be. I have to say this movie was more than just a good flick- it moved me. The main character, Juno, talks about "losing faith with humanity" and I resonate with this. How easy is it to look around you and see all the mistakes people are making, let alone - evaluate some of our own poor choices and lose faith. Yet, this movie brings hope that things can turn out right...oh yeah.
I've been hanging out with my good friend Margaret lately. She is my 80 year old friend that was just widowed 6 weeks ago. We went out to lunch on Friday and shared stories and laughed. It was a great time of catching up since I hadn't seen her since around Spring Break. She tells stories about her husband, who was also a friend of mine, and her eyes still light up and her entire face still glows with a smile at remembering things that he said or did. At other times she shares how hard it is to loose your mate and not have someone to "hang around with" all day and in moments like those I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest...I can't even imagine losing someone that you've been married to for 50 years. I'm learning so much from Margaret though and I'm thankful for that..surely she is full of wisdom, even beyond her years.
After lunch we went back to her house and as soon as I walked in the door I saw the yellow envelope, the one that held a card I had sent her last week, laying on an end table in her foyer. Now, someone keeping a card might not mean much to you, but it does to me. I don't have any living grandparents and I only grew up knowing my grandmother who passed away when I was a sophomore in high school. I always looked back wishing I had written her more because she loved getting cards and a lot of ways I see God's provision through Margaret and now I get to take advantage of what I've been given. A second chance I guess, a second grandmother in a lot of ways...this brings me hope for humanity, but even more hope in a great great God.
Then as we preceded downstairs and she showed me some stuff she's been learning on the piano. I'm happy to say that she's been taking some more lessons and working on getting some new things to do. She turned to me after playing and told me it was my turn...last time I had a piano lesson I was 7 and got so frustrated I quit and changed my extracurricular activities to fit my natural abilities haha. Music is not my forte, I have to work pretty hard at it...yet she made it seem so easy and before long my hands were moving through the keys and I found it quite fun. I guess we're both learning new things in life together and I'm loving every minute of it.
Next stop: the Book Loft in German Village on Tuesday and I can't wait!

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