Saturday, June 21, 2008

What Moves You?

Lately I've been trying to figure out what m o v e s me.

It seems so easy to tell others what you like...but what is it that drives you, propels you, pushes you forward and ultimately is an expression of what you believe life is all about?

Sometimes I think I catch a glimpse of what that is for me, but it's incredibly difficult to put that into words.

On a different note, my trip to San Francisco was a success. I was able to spend time with my mom and my sister and show Michelle the city. Some highlights for me were: sailing in Sausalito, drinking coffee at a little Italian cafe in San Francisco's "Little Italy" was called Cafe Roma, having pillow fights with my sister on the hotel beds and catching up with a couple really good friends in Santa Cruz that I hadn't seen in 2 years. It was so weird to go back to a place that I had made my home for an entire summer. To go back and experience it in a different way because family was with me this time and the other interns were not. For some reason this opened my eyes to the fact that it wasn't so much the place that I learned to love that summer- it was the people. That really gives me a lot of hope for the future- wherever it may lead me-there will be people to love there...which will eventually lead me to feel a little more "at home" wherever I am.

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